While highlighting local and national demands on energy, we also united around the following common demands (language varying slightly in the last 3 years)
- Stop new dirty energy projects!
- End public handouts to dirty energy! Divest from fossil fuels!
- Redirect funds and pursue a swift and just transition to democratic, pro-poor, renewable and clean energy systems for people and communities
- Stop excessive energy consumption by corporations and elites!
- Ensure universal energy access for basic needs of people and communities!
We hope to draw from and build on the momentum generated by the Break Free from Fossil Fuels initiative earlier this year. While Break Free was aimed at escalating the fight against Fossil Fuel with iconic, bold actions in 20 countries in 6 regions -- we propose that Reclaim Power continue with the 3-year tradition of being an initiative that aims to mobilize people in a variety of actions in as many countries as possible in all the regions across the globe.
We will aim to:
- Draw local, national and global attention to the climate crisis and the urgency of transforming energy systems; and our common demands
- We will reach out to and encourage as many movements and organizations in as many countries as possible to organize a variety of actions that will raise awareness, deepen understanding, articulate demands, provide opportunities for people to get directly involved
- We will take a moment for movements, communities, people to express and experience global solidarity in our common struggles
Energy Campaign Materials We will use the Reclaim Power Days of Action to update and circulate a variety of materials and resources for popular education and advocacy work on these issues, including thematic briefs (e.g. Oil, fracking, biofuels etc.) social media kits, videos.
For more details: http://reclaimpower.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/reclaim.power/
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