#ReclaimPower October Days of Action

Reclaiming power in energy systems and beyond, is one of the Women's Global Call for Climate Justice focus areas for 2016 and as you may recall, it was the theme of our Earth Day Rally.  We're excited to share with you how you can get involved and participate in #ReclaimPower 2016 especially during October as this month will specifically be dedicated to #ReclaimPower Days of Action. See below for more details:
Every October for the last 3 years, hundreds of organizations and movements working on energy issues across the globe carried out activities and actions in more than 60 countries under the banner of Reclaim Power!

While highlighting local and national demands on energy, we also united around the following common demands (language varying slightly in the last 3 years)

  • Stop new dirty energy projects!
  • End public handouts to dirty energy! Divest from fossil fuels!
  • Redirect funds and pursue a swift and just transition to democratic, pro-poor, renewable and clean energy systems for people and communities
  • Stop excessive energy consumption by corporations and elites!
  • Ensure universal energy access for basic needs of people and communities!
Reclaim Power 2016 Days of Action -- We propose to continue with Reclaim Power in 2016, calling for actions during the month of October – October Days of Action.   In this way we will be able to cover several significant moments for mobilization including the IMF-WB Annual Meeting on October 7 to 9.

We hope to draw from and build on the momentum generated by the Break Free from Fossil Fuels initiative earlier this year.  While Break Free was aimed at escalating the fight against Fossil Fuel with iconic, bold actions in 20 countries in 6 regions -- we propose that Reclaim Power continue with the 3-year tradition of being an initiative that aims to mobilize people in a variety of actions in as many countries as possible in all the regions across the globe.

We will aim to:

  • Draw local, national and global attention to the climate crisis and the urgency of transforming energy systems; and our common demands
  • We will reach out to and encourage as many movements and organizations in as many countries as possible to organize a variety of actions that will raise awareness, deepen understanding, articulate demands, provide opportunities for people to get directly involved
  • We will take a moment for movements, communities, people to express and experience global solidarity in our common struggles
Fossil Fuels Financiers and Investors -- We will take up the full range of issues and common demands and encourage any and all actions against dirty energy and in support of clean, community energy as we have done in the past. But we propose to have a special focus on finance and investments in fossil fuels and the finance drivers / major investors.  The World Bank and IMF board meeting takes place October 7-9 and actions against their continued support for dirty energy would send a clear message. Regional development banks, commercial banks, export credit agencies, pension funds and university endowments with fossil fuel stock, public institutions who have corporate sponsorship from big polluters, the Green Climate Fund, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), JBIC  --  are all possible targets.

Energy Campaign Materials   We will use the Reclaim Power Days of Action to update and circulate a variety of materials and resources for popular education and advocacy work on these issues, including thematic briefs (e.g. Oil, fracking, biofuels etc.) social media kits, videos.

For more details: http://reclaimpower.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/reclaim.power/



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