Agro-Ecology - Educating for Sustainable Development

Individual/Team Energy,Economy,Solutions,Power,Climate Justice

Description: We have long been promoting and implementing in communities, ecological management of excess resources, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable to prevent any form of waste and garbage build-up and dumping. Biodegradable waste becomes compost while non-biodegradable wastes can be recycled into other uses. Compost promotes organic/ecological farming to prevent the emissions of nitrous oxides and methane which contributes to global warming. Organic farming also saves on the use of fossil fuels, prevents soil degradation, preserves the ecological balance, and sustains the health of farmers and consumers. We are also planting bamboo, we have covered 144 hectares and will start on 350 hectares more in the hills of the province Rizal, Philippines. Bamboo, a grass, holds much water and binds the soil thus preventing erosion; It absorbs much more carbon dioxide than trees, releases more oxygen than trees. It is also a sustainable source of livelihood. We also advocate through the media.

This action is addressing: Energy, Economy, Solutions, Power, Climate Justice

One sentence to describe the impact of this action: We have demonstrated that there are environment,community, household, person-friendly alternatives to unjust, inequitable, violent ways.

Individual or Organizational action: Individual/Team

Date of action: Ongoing.

Place of action: Home, communities

Contact Information: Ana Celia V. Papa

E-mail: [email protected]

Name of Organization/Alliance/Network Or Team Name Bangon Kalikasan Movement / Eco-Waste Coalition

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