For Living Seed and Living Soil

Description: The Global Movement for Seed Freedom joins the Women's Global Call for Climate Justice and invites you to join people and communities around the globe, from the 2nd to the 16th of October to celebrate our seeds, our soils, our land, our territories, and to create an Earth Democracy based on Living Seed, Living Soil, healthy communities and living economies. We are living in a changing and challenging world. We clearly have two totally different world orders, two totally different world views, two totally different paradigms evolving. One is based on ONE Corporation with one paradigm, one agriculture, monopolies, monocultures, crushing the soil, crushing the biodiversity, crushing the small farmers, crushing our bodies with disease. On the other hand we have billions of species, millions of people. We, the people – cannot fail the Earth, each other and the future. If each of us takes a pledge to protect the Living Seed and protect the Living Soil, to grow our food as close to home a

This action is addressing: Solutions,Survival,Power,Climate Justice

One sentence to describe the impact of this action: Am amazing uprising of love and care where we act as one heart, as one mind and one consciousness to say no to this ecocide and genocide.

Individual or Organizational action: Organization/Alliance/Network

Date of action: October 2nd - 16th

Place of action: International

Contact Information: Dr. Vandana Shiva

E-mail: [email protected]

Name of Organization/Alliance/Network Or Team Name: The Global Movement for Seed Freedom

Link to more information:

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