Mobilization of Women and Young Girls 4 Climate Justice

Save Generations Organization organized a mobilization action for Climate Justice to women and young girls beneficiaries to its Vocational and Technical Training program at Kabuga Youth Center, Rusororo Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda. The purpose of this action was to call on women and young girls to be aware of climate change crisis, its impact on people in general and particularly on women and young girls as well as to the future generations; to call them to take action against the root causes of climate crisis; and to join hands together and call for action on climate justice.

Description: Save Generations Organization organized a mobilization action for Climate Justice to women and young girls beneficiaries to its Vocational and Technical Training program at Kabuga Youth Center, Rusororo Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda. The purpose of this action was to call on women and young girls to be aware of climate change crisis, its impact on people in general and particularly on women and young girls as well as to the future generations; to call them to take action against the root causes of climate crisis; and to join hands together and call for action on climate justice. Our mobilization action included a session on explaining the problem of climate change and its impact on women and young girls and their role in the call for climate justice. On that we explained why climate justice is needed to reach to a sustainable development and in order to protect the well-being of the future generations.

This action is addressing: Climate Justice

One sentence to describe the impact of this action: Women and young girls that attended the action understood their role and responsibility to stand and call for climate justice I

ndividual or Organizational action: Organization/Alliance/Network

Date of action: 03/09/2015

Place of action: Kabuga Youth Center, Rusororo Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali City, Rwanda, East Africa

Contact Information: Yvette NYINAWUMUNTU

E-mail: [email protected]

Name of Organization/Alliance/Network Or Team Name Save Generations Organization (SGO)

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