The Women & Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC present the following Women's Key Demands for COP21:
1. Governments must commit to keep warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius to prevent catastrophic climate change, in line
with the principles of the Convention, namely equity and common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR).
2. The agreement must ensure that all climate actions, both adaptation and mitigation, respect, protect, promote and fulfill human rights, gender equality, the rights of indigenous peoples, intergenerational equity, a just transition and decent work, food security, and ecosystem integrity and resilience.
3. Developed countries must do their fair share by taking the lead to close the inequitable emissions gap of current intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and providing unconditional support to developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
4. Governments must commit to wide-ranging ambitious and just actions pre-2020 under Workstream II.
5. Concepts such as 'net-zero' or 'carbon neutrality' or any that encourage off-setting and unsafe technological solutions must be left out of the agreement.
6. The long-term global goal of the agreement must articulate a sustainable pathway for urgently reducing emissions:
phasing in 100% safe and sustainable renewable energy systems and wide-ranging structural and lifestyle changes - and
phasing out harmful technologies and fossil fuels, in line with the principles of CBDR and equity.
7. Adaptation approaches must be country-driven, gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent.
8. The new agreement must explicitly include a standalone section on Loss and Damage and include a mechanism to
address both financial and non-monetized Loss and Damage.
9. Technology development and transfer must be safe for people and the environment, affordable to all and gender
10. Developed countries must provide clearly defined, new, additional, and predictable gender-responsive public finance, in the form of grants. The goal of $100 billion per year must be a floor, not a ceiling, scaled up at least every five years, with a 50:50 balance between mitigation and adaptation, and include finance for loss and damage in addition to adaptation funding.
11. Finally, participation in decision-making under the new agreement should be inclusive and transparent, ensuring all
barriers to movement and travel for developing country participants are alleviated and that civil society has access to
decision-making spaces
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