Serengeti Landscape Community Empowerment and Survival

The Mara Water Programme - Africa Rift Lakes (ARL) - Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Project, based in Mara - Serengeti Landscape in Tanzania will collaborate with other networks/organizations on communication activities to create awareness for climate justice and a gender-responsive climate agreement in Paris at COP21.

Description: The Mara Water Programme - Africa Rift Lakes (ARL) - Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Project, based in Mara - Serengeti Landscape in Tanzania will collaborate with other networks/organizations on communication activities to create awareness for climate justice and a gender-responsive climate agreement in Paris at COP21. Mara Water Programme will organize a stakeholder’s consultative workshop on climate change and gender to create awareness on the impacts of climate change which women are the most vulnerable group in terms of source of energy and livelihood. The workshop will also discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation options to adapt with local communities within the Serengeti Landscape. Also, Mara Water Programme will provide support to landscape local communities on alternative sources of energy (eg construction of energy serving stoves) as a climate change adaptation strategy and support tree planting as a climate change mitigation strategy.

This action is addressing: Energy

One sentence to describe the impact of this action: The action will raise awareness on the impact of climate change, as well as adaptation and mitigation options to Serengeti Landscape communities

Individual or Organizational action: Organization/Alliance/Network

Date of action: January 2015 to December 2016 (Ongoing)

Place of action: Mara Region, Tanzania

Contact Information: Mwasiti Rashid

E-mail: [email protected]

Name of Organization/Alliance/Network Or Team Name WWF-Tanzania Country Office

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